Troubleshooting Installation Issues | Hextech Mayhem

Installation issues can bring you out of the game before you've even started. Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do for you on our end—your platform is better equipped to handle these kinds of problems. That being said, we've put together some basic troubleshooting steps that may help get you started on your next Forge adventure.


  • Have you tried turning it on and off again? An oldie but a goodie, restarting your console may be all you need to get that installation going.
  • Are you on the right account? Make sure you're signed in to the account that purchased the title. Games can only be installed via the purchasing account.
  • Is your system up to date? Not having the latest system updates may be what's preventing your installation from going through.
  • Have you cleaned out your hard drive lately? If there isn't enough space on your hard drive, your game may not install. Make sure there's room on your hard drive for your game.
  • The problem may not be on your end. Check your console's network status. If there are any alerts, wait until the service is up and running, then try installing again. Links to each console's network service status page are below.



Have you tried turning it on and off again? An oldie but a goodie, restarting your computer may be all you need to get that installation going.

Clear your download cache. Your download cache stores non-essential files from past downloads, and can sometimes prevent new downloads and installations to finish. Here's how to clear your cache:

  • Open Steam
  • Click Steam in the upper left corner
  • Go to Settings
  • Go to Downloads
  • Click Clear Download Cache
  • Click OK in the pop-up window

Once finished, Steam will restart and you will have to log back in.

Repair your library folder. Sometimes your user permissions get funky and need to be refreshed. To do that:

  • Open Steam
  • Click Steam in the upper left corner
  • Go to Settings
  • Go to Downloads
  • Click Steam Library Folders to open the Storage Manager
  • In the Storage Manager, click the Gear icon
  • Click Repair Folder
  • Your screen may go to Windows asking if you want to allow Steam to make changes to your device. If that happens, Click Yes.

Once finished repairing, close the pop up and you're done!

Verify local files. Hardware issues, software crashes, power surges, and a bunch of other stuff can your files, making it difficult or impossible to install new games. You can verify your files are in working order and even repair them in necessary by following these steps.

  • Open Steam
  • Go to Library
  • Find the game your having trouble installing.
  • Right click on the game's name and go to Properties
  • Go to Local Files
  • Click Verify integrity of game files...

A pop up will appear while Steam verifies your files. Once finished, you can close the pop up.

Change your download region. Servers in your region may become slow or overloaded. To cross this off the list of potential causes, you can temporarily switch to a different download region to use a different set of servers. To do this:

  • Open Steam
  • Click Steam in the upper left corner
  • Click Settings
  • Go to Downloads
  • Under the Download Region section, use the dropdown menu to select a new region.
  • A pop up will open letting you know the change won't take effect until you restart steam. Click Restart Steam in the pop up.

Once you've restarted steam and logged back in, you'll be able to try the download in the new region. You may have to do this a couple of times to test out a few different regions to really see if this is the issue or not.

Reinstall Steam. You can download the installer here. Make sure you reinstall Steam to the same location where you currently have it installed to preserve all installed games.

NOTE: Uninstalling Steam will delete all game content.

Move the game folder. IIt may help to try installing the game on a different hard drive if you have one. To do this, you'll first have to add a new Library folder to Steam before attempting to install the game. Here's how to add a Library folder:

  • Open Steam.
  • Click Steam in the upper left corner.
  • Click Settings.
  • Go to Downloads.
  • Click Steam Library Folders.
  • Click the Plus Sign to open the Create/Select Library Folder menu.
  • Choose a different hard drive from the dropdown menu.
  • Click Select to install in that location, or click New Folder to create a folder in the other hard drive where your Steam games will be installed.

Once finished, you can attempt to install the game in the new location to see if that fixes the issue.

Epic Game Store

Have you tried turning it on and off again? An oldie but a goodie, restarting your computer may be all you need to get that installation going.

Run the Epic Games Launcher as an administrator. This will give you more permissions that you may need to install the game.

  • If you have the Epic Games Launcher open, exit from it by right clicking the system tray icon and clicking Exit.
  • Right click on the Epic Games Launcher shortcut, either on your desktop or in the Start menu.
  • Click Run as administrator.
  • Try installing the game.

Try uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Much like restarting your computer, sometimes all you need is a fresh start.

  • Go to your Library from the menu on the left in the Launcher.
  • Once you find the game in your library, click the 3 dots [...] next to the game's title.
  • Click uninstall.
  • After the game has uninstalled, click on the game to reinstall it.

Manually uninstall the game, then reinstall it. Same idea as the previous troubleshooting step, but this time it's uninstalling the game directly from its folder on your computer instead of through the Epic Games Launcher.

  • If you have the Epic Games Launcher open, exit from it by right clicking the system tray icon and clicking Exit.
  • Find the folder where your game is installed. (The default location is C:\Programs\Epic Games\)
  • Right click on the game folder and click Delete.
  • Run the Epic Games Launcher.
  • Reinstall the game.

If you've gone through the troubleshooting steps for your platform and still find yourself having trouble, reach out to your platform's support network. Again, they're the experts when it comes to their own systems, so they're better suited to handle this kind of thing.

We've linked each platform's support article on installation issues below, which contains additional steps specific to each platform, as well as a way to contact their support directly.

If you're still having issues after trying basic troubleshooting and contacting your platform's support, you can /submit a ticket below and we'll see what we can do.

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